How to choose a good first aid kit?

mere supplies bag in red

Now more than ever people are preparing for the what ifs? But, what if we told you most people who have a first aid kit don’t have the essentials to deal with a serious injury. I mean, who expects to be seriously injured? Nobody, yet it happens more frequently than you may realise. In fact roughly 16,000 people die each year from a serious injury. Now, what if we told you that 450-600 people could have been saved if their injury had been “managed more effectively”.

Have a think? What’s in your first aid kit? Let me guess? Plasters, medical wipes, a small bandage for cuts and scrapes… while we understand that these essentials are important and definitely have a place in a first aid kit, but will it save your life? Depending on your activity or occupation your need for a first aid kit will vary for example; you wouldn’t prepare to take a large first aid kit sky diving however, if you were working on a building site operating dangerous machinery you would definitely be wanting a comprehensive first aid kit.

So when buying a first aid kit think about where you’re going, should it be light weight, heavy duty, high visibility, low visibility, waterproof, small, large, enough for just you or, a team? This should be the first step in choosing your first aid kit. You need a first aid kit that is it only hitting your physical needs, but one that fits your practical needs. Managing a serious injury is often difficult, your adrenaline rich blood will be flowing at a pace you don’t even realise. Not only because it’s your friend, family member, or even you, but because it’s scary. During these adrenaline fuelled terrifying times it can often be hard to navigate to the much needed bandage or tourniquet. This is why its important to have all your equipment neatly organised and easy to navigate to.