How to organise your first aid kit

mere supplies orange bag in front of a fire

No matter your adventure or occupation, your first-aid kit should be neatly organised and should be easy to deploy. 

At the start of developing first aid kits, the team at MERE would purchase different types of first aid kits, from big to small, basic to advanced and what the majority of kits lacked was organisation. As Paramedics we know that organisation is key and is an extremely important aspect of first aid, yes we need to know CPR, yes we need to know how to control a severe haemorrhage, but it’s all complete in a process; that process and having a second nature response is relied on completing the task in an organised manner. They say do the first task well, the rest should follow. 

You wouldn’t want to fall at the first hurdle, where’s the CPR face shield? Where’s the bandage? Where’s the tourniquet? The organisation is the key from start to finish. 

With the organisation in mind and with the experience of our MERE Paramedics, our design team got to work to develop equipment that is not only lifesaving but organised. When organising your first aid kit, equipment should be easy to find with the most important equipment easier to find, if you’ve got to look for it then it’s in the wrong place! 

Not only that, you should at a moment’s notice be ready to move, I mean the patient was injured in that location? Is it dangerous? Being able to grab your kit and go is also an important aspect, which is again organisation. Let us know how you organise your kit in the comment box below. #beprepared