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BurnSoothe Sachet

Product code391
Availability 22 in stock (can be backordered)

BurnSoothe is the ultimate choice for treating mild skin burns. With its non-toxic, cooling, and pain-relieving properties, as well as its extended shelf life, it provides the peace of mind you need for quick and efficient burn care.



22 in stock (can be backordered)

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Introducing BurnSoothe Sachet: Your Trusted Solution for Mild Skin Burns. When it comes to treating mild skin burns, you need a reliable and efficient solution that minimises trauma and skin damage while providing effective relief. That’s where BurnSoothe steps in. BurnSoothe is a specially designed sterile burns dressing that is tailored to offer the best care for mild burns. What sets it apart from other treatments is its innovative use of a non-toxic hydrogel, ensuring that it delivers soothing relief without any harmful side effects.


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Tested to the highest standards, each kit is made to thrive in the worlds toughest environments. From the blistering heat of the Outback to never-ending challenges of the rainforest; you can trust in MERE Supplies.  #TeamMERE hand-pick each item based on the most trusted medical research – ensuring you get only the very best equipment in your in your kit.
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