Russell PneumoFix® – Chest Decompression Needle
The Russell PneumoFix®-8 is a sterile decompression needle with an 8cm catheter and a low-pressure release valve, designed to safely relieve tension pneumothorax. It features a stainless steel veress-tipped needle, a Tecoflex Polyurethane catheter with 20% barium sulphate for X-ray visibility, and a 14-gauge catheter for rapid air venting. The device includes graduated markings for precise depth recording and allows syringe attachment via a female luer connector.
The Russell PneumoFix®-8 is a sterile decompression needle featuring a veress-tipped needle inserted through an 8cm catheter with a low-pressure release valve. The veress tip and indicator device ensure safe insertion with minimal risk of lung injury, while the low-pressure release valve allows for the release of tension pneumothorax with minimal risk of air re-entry.
The Russell PneumoFix®-8 consists of a stainless steel veress-tipped needle and a Tecoflex Polyurethane catheter. The catheter is infused with 20% barium sulphate, making it visible on X-ray.
A syringe can be connected to the female luer connector of the veress needle. The device is provided sterile, features graduated markings, and includes an X-ray detectable catheter for precise depth recording and accurate localization in a hospital setting. The 14-gauge catheter allows for rapid air venting in cases of tension pneumothorax.
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