The MERE Catastrophic Haemorrhage Kit, also known as a severe bleeding control kit or trauma kit, is a specialised medical kit designed to manage and control life-threatening bleeding in emergency situations. These kits are typically used in scenarios where there is a risk of severe haemorrhage, such as accidents, mass casualty incidents, or in military and tactical environments.
The primary purpose of a Catastrophic Haemorrhage Kit is to provide immediate and effective tools to control bleeding and potentially save lives before professional medical assistance is available. The specific contents of a kit may vary, but it generally includes the following items:
What’s included?
- MERE Responder Pouch
- Celox Rapid Gauze
- Celox-A applicator
- Celox Fox Seal Vented
- Shears
- CAT Tourniquet X2 (Black)
- Gloves
- Lumica Light Stick
- Foil Blanket
- Pen
- OLAES 4″ Trauma Bandage
- Catastrophic Haemorrhage Patch
- External tourniquet holder x2
Behind the Brand